ECO-LIFESTYLE e-magazine
We have been dreading this day.

 It’s the 1st of September, and the Taiji dolphin hunting season is officially starting. For the next six months hunters will head out in boats looking for terrified families of dolphins to capture and kill.
On days like this, it’s easy to feel helpless. But Tony, we’re not sitting back doing nothing.
Our legal action to end the Taiji dolphin hunts is moving through the Japanese court system right now. If it’s successful, this could be the last season the hunts take place.
Please click here to support legal action against the Taiji dolphin hunts
Today you shouldn’t feel small or powerless. The global movement to end dolphin hunting is growing bigger and stronger every day.

The next hearing in our legal action to stop the hunts is due to take place in October, where the judges will announce their decision on legal standing. It is one of the most important hearings of the case, and we deeply appreciate everyone who has helped get this world-first legal action to such a crucial point.

Can you help see this fight through? Please chip in to the legal fund, or sign up as an AFD Dolphin Defender and pledge a small, monthly gift to cover ongoing court costs.

Japanese plaintiff Ren from LIA addressing media fol
Click here to support the Taiji dolphin legal fund
The hunter’s quota for this season is 1,749 dolphins. That’s 1,749 reasons why we refuse to give up on tough days like today.
Today our hearts are heavy, as we dread the cruelty about to unfold.
But we will not let the heartbreak deter us from taking action, Tony. And I’m strengthened knowing you won’t give up on these beautiful animals either.
To a future without dolphin hunting,
Copyright © Action for Dolphins All rights reserved.